Use "transpiration|transpirations" in a sentence

1. Transpiration is not to alcohol, is Chaxiang.

2. Plants release water through their leaves by transpiration.

3. Monterey's transpiration of pistils and stigmas are lowest.

4. Cost of Inland transpiration will be borne by the buyer.

5. Who will bear all the transpiration cost of the goods?

6. The public transpiration took a large proportion of service, including Metro.

7. Over land, evaporation and transpiration contribute another 72 Tt per year.

8. The excess is given off through the leaves by transpiration into the air.

9. More than half of this disappears through evaporation or transpiration through plants.

10. 5 More than half of this disappears through evaporation or transpiration through plants.

11. The factors that influence the effectiveness of transpiration cooling were also discussed.

12. Loss of water also includes the transpiration of water to the atmosphere from plants.

13. Plants increase the humidity of water vapour from their exposed surfaces by way of transpiration .

14. The Land Freight Forwarding: We have the powerful transpiration network to provide the best services.

15. Apart from mysterious perfumes, the transpiration of this unusual liquid is the most frequently reported phenomenon.

16. Sun-induced fluorescence closely linked to ecosystem transpiration as evidenced by satellite data and radiative transfer models

17. These analyses depend on a number of potentially confounding factors such as nonstomatal transpiration and temperature.

18. They take in carbon dioxide but lose very little moisture through transpiration into the night air.

19. Living root cells passively absorb water in the absence of transpiration pull via osmosis creating root pressure.

20. Some are deciduous, shedding their leaves in the driest season, and others curl their leaves up to reduce transpiration.

21. They have abandoned leaves to reduce loss of water by transpiration, and their stems are swollen with stored water.

22. Changes in vegetation cover around the area would alter snow accumulation, the capture and release of water and transpiration losses.

23. Once in the xylem, the salts are carried passively in the transpiration stream to the upper parts of the plant.

24. Known as transpiration, these vapour emissions also contribute to the total amount of water in the air and in the soil.

25. The seasonal variation of Pn in English walnut was affected by transpiration rate, chlorophyll content, leaf temperature and intercellular CO2 concentration.

26. Results showed that: The intercropping significantly reduced potential and actual transpiration of wheat by 0% and 8% compared with monoculture system respectively.

27. Guard cell regulates photosynthesis and transpiration, which play an important role in the life of plant, with their special cell wall structure.

28. We have studied the effect of roots zone water state on transpiration heat-resistance in common bean(85-CT) with different irrigation treatments.

29. Day change of intercropping wheat's transpiration intensity and that of wheat in field is unimodal, and the anterior is stronger than the latter.

30. Here, a Biomimetic transpiration textile based on the hierarchical and interconnected network of vascular plants is demonstrated for highly efficient personal drying and cooling.

31. The reduced transpiration in water-efficient clones per unit of dry matter produced was associated with a higher stomatal resistance on the abaxial leaf surface.

32. The Abaxial (lower) domain of the leaf consists of an epidermis with abundant stomata and spongy mesophyll cells, which function in gas exchange and the regulation of transpiration

33. We conclude that the wax-filled stomatal Antechambers reduce the rate of transpiration by about two thirds but reduce the rate of photosynthesis by only about one third.

34. The reduction or loss in weight due to evaporation and plant respiration and transpiration processes over a period of time. E. g. In the supply chain during storage, transport, etc.

35. The effect of soil water deficits on net photosynthesis, transpiration, stomatal activity, twig xylem pressure potentials, and cambial growth were studied in large, field-grown Douglas-fir (Pseudotsugamenziesii (Mirb.)

36. Leaves and fruits of 'Hai-li' tangor had higher transpiration rates than 'Tankan' tangor in outdoor condition. The difference might be a factor which made 'Hai-li' having lower juice content.

37. We quantified specific leaf area (SLA), specific leaf nitrogen (SLN), net photosynthesis (A), transpiration, stomatal conductance, and net canopy photosynthetic index (CNPI) from cotton with and without aboveground and belowground interactions.

38. Amplexicaul leaf - a leaf with its base clasping the stem foliage, leaf, leafage - the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection

39. However, the actual size and depth of each lens is dependent on the width and shape of the island at that point, the permeability of the aquifer, and the equilibrium between recharging rainfall and losses to evaporation to the atmosphere, transpiration by plants, tidal advection, and human use.

40. In experiments with attached and detached shoots of balsam fir, Abies balsamea L., synthetic (±)abscisic acid (ABA) (1) reduced photosynthesis and transpiration by inducing stomatal closure, (2) inhibited indoleacetic acid (IAA) - induced cambial activity in photosynthesizing and non-photosynthesizing shoots, and (3) inhibited the basipetal movement of [14C]IAA.